Monday, October 31, 2011


I feel like it's too early in the year to be thinking about changes or if I feel different about my self and my artwork. I think things are still the same with where I started and where I am now. I still feel the same about my work and I feel like my work still reflects my personality and style as an artist and nothing has changed from the summer to where I am now. The only thing that may have been different would be working with our self-portrait drawings. Usually I can be very timid doing large pictures but with this I decided to just jump right into it and there were no hesitation when it came to going over it in sharpie. Usually I think about all the mistakes there might be in the end, which makes me take a long time to do something simple. This goes along with our smaller self-portraits’. Normally I would hesitate with going at it with a paintbrush but I didn't feel like there was anything I could lose [and for the fact I could always trace another one] I jumped right into painting and did my whole drawing over. And the result came out nicely.

Other wise there has been no changes. Now ask me this same question in the middle or the end of the year I'm sure my answer will change, but for now I have to say I feel the same.

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